Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Winter Break

Pretty good news all around everyone.  I've been settled for awhile now, but my schedule was kind of wonky until after the first weekend of the month.  I'm a staff member at an Anime Convention here in Omaha (Anime Nebraskon), most of which is tech team stuff, making sure our tech setups are going to the right panels and everything.  It's pretty hectic considering we ran about 200 panels this year for around 3000 attendees.  On top of that I also run the Karaoke event Friday and Saturday nights and that keeps me REALLY busy the two weeks or so preceding the con, updating the encyclopedia of songs, remaking the list of songs available since the file was lost.  I do kind of want to brag about one thing though.  Our big name guest this year was Steve Blum (Spike from Cowboy Bebop, amongst other names), and I was able to get a couple of his prints signed by him and my collector's edition S-cry-ed and a picture too.

I also came away with a bit of a cold, all this crammed into school work as well, so I've been busy.  The point?  Well, aside from showing off the swag from Steve Blum, with the con out of the way theres a finish line just at the edge of the horizon, that is the end of the semester.  I have no commitments planned, no vacations, no events, nothing, between early December and early-mid January.  That means I'm wiping off the dust and whipping out the C++ to see how much I can shoot out in that time.  I'm not sure how things will go once the semester starts again, but things look rosey.

1 comment:

  1. good to hear! Bust out that chicken soup and green tea! Have a good holiday!
