Saturday, December 22, 2012

Persona 4: The Animation

Persona 4: The Animation

Yokoso, waga Velvet Room.

Oh Holy Crap I loved this series SO much. I'd never played the games, but I have a good friend who is obsessed with them so she turned me onto this. After my bad experience with .hack//roots and the feeling of wanting to play the game, but not having the means to play the game that I usually get when I watch an anime made about a video game, I just try to stay away from them, but this is the only adaptation of a game I've ever watched that could stand alone perfectly as the anime(.hack//sign isn't far off though). It's also got a unique feel to it that mixes the two types of anime I gravitate towards, typical action-shounen stuff and comedic slice of life stuff. When I say this I don't just mean action with funny moments, but theres a few episodes that are strictly character development and interaction in their day to day lives. It also had me on the edge of my seat a few times with a mix of detective/suspense/horror moments, and it is really rare for me to enjoy that kind of thing.

So to sum it up. Persona 4: The Animation is a Shounen Slice of Life Detective Suspense story that follows a group of friends as they try to solve a series of murders in their town intertwined with this alternate-reality world they discover and in which they have "Persona" monsters that fight for them.

I really got a kick out of the main character too, which is REALLY rare. At first he just seems like a blank slate character that can take on the attributes of the watcher but in the more slice of life moments you see a really awesome mischievous sense of humor.

10/10 all the way.


For those curious about DFC, winter breaks started, and I've started again ;)


  1. hi! i was on DF1 and DFC for a while!

    i have a bunch of logs and even the old program files if those would be of help to you. please let me know if i can help in any way!

  2. Do you still go to UNL? Have you thought about bringing this forward as an independent study so you could dedicate more time to it?

  3. UNO not UNL. I thought about it but I'm not terribly fond of having to do some sort of paper on it.

  4. Would you have to write a paper if there was a finished product? It may be worth discussing with your favorite professor.

  5. Yeah for any sort of independent study credits you have to do a bunch of writing too. They go through a specific person too instead of any of my fave profs/instructors and its much more of a theory program than it is practical programming like this. Which is actually very irritating now that im in my final year of study and not getting what I thought I was going to get out of it.

  6. Shini! Give me some love and finish DFC NOW! :(

    Forever yours baby,


    PS: This comment is so not gay. Its just man love. Deal with it!

  7. Any more DFC remake news?

  8. still alive and working on this?

  9. Hi, I played DF1 on AoL and gamestorm, plus DFC from the launch. Started as a dwarf on that but went back to my all time favorite...skelly named Jinkers. I would pay so much to play this game again. I just hope that there's a comparable roller like shagzz or something. Hopefully you can get this up and running, because I know there is a community of hardcore DFC fans that miss catching those boats to other realms. Almost as much as they'd miss a limb or something of that sort. Sorry to be rambling here. I've been looking for someone remaking DFC for a very long time now. If there was some way you could let me know about a launch or anything I'd appreciate the information. Seriously willing to pay a monthly subscription to play such an awesome game!!! I miss having to actually use my imagination. Really excited to see what you can do with it.

  10. So, I'm going to be pathetic and ask if this is still going on, even though it's been a year...

  11. year and half :( COW !!! GIVE US SOME GOOD NEWS FOR THE LOvE OF GOD!


  13. Why has this project ended? What can be done to get it finished??? Most of us DFCers were just kids/teens when we last played and Im sure most of us can help in some way or another to make this game alive again...
