Sunday, July 12, 2015

DFC Future, where I've been, where I'm going.

So I've been periodically getting messages from people asking about the progress of DFC and I feel pretty bad that the project crapped out.  What basically happened was the hard drive I had all the work on crapped out on me and by the time I could recover it things had shifted around in my life and i lost momentum with the project.  I got sucked into Guild Wars 2 with my good old Magestorm guild ( where we rose to become one of the best world vs world forces on NA servers.  Very few guilds that were in existence at launch are still alive and healthy and I'm proud to say that Strike Force one of them.  The reason I get into this is because I spent a good chunk of that time, once the previous GM had to retire for IRL stuff acting as the AGM supporting our new GM.  For anyone not familiar with me, I've always been fine acting in the leadership level of a council member or officer but have avoided direct leadership at all costs, mostly because I don't like being in the spotlight.  SO, getting put in that spot left me with more and more responsibility towards the guild I've been a part of for 15 or so years and since [SF] was one of two NA time zone guilds on our server facing two other servers who could field sometimes up to 8 if not more guilds at once during NA time, needless to say I really had no time to spare to ever starting the project back up again, as much as I wanted to.  I did finally step down about 6 months ago or so.  I got to enjoy Guild Wars 2 for being Guild Wars 2 again and eventually managed to get myself down to really only playing half an hour a day for dailies and to keep me sharp.

Which leads me to my next thing.  I've spent much of my life, probably more than one person should, consuming fiction, be it star wars novels, anime, comics, manga, D&D and various other typically nerdy stories.  The result of this was that I began to get the itch to create again (similiar to the DFC itch).  Over a period of 2-3 months I informally arranged a world and story in my head that I wanted to tell.  I tried to flesh it out in simple written form but it just wasn't working how I liked.  Being an avid reader of webcomics each night I knew that the webcomic format was a much better fit for the story, but this left me with a few problems.  First, what I thought would be the biggest issue, my color blindness, has turned out to not really be too much of a problem thanks to RGB values, knowing what colors are called even if I cant see them property and spreadsheets.  Second, I am 31 and have not spent more than 5 minutes drawing TOTAL in the last 15 - 20 years but with diligence this can be remedied.  However, third, my personal health issues leave me with mild hand tremors.  You can imagine how that could seriously screw up drawing.  I've made due this far by doing the entire process in Manga Studio with heavy usage of the line/curve tools as well as taking a sort of "sculpting" approach instead of traditional methods of drawing.  I do have a reason for pointing all this out and that is that as the comic approaches its 3rd month of actual steady publications, it helps illustrate my dedication to telling the story.  On a larger perspective, this webcomic takes up most of my free time if I want any sort of regular/quick release schedule.  That means the time for picking up the DFC revival project is just not there.

But if anyone is interested you can follow my learning process on Kikonrar 

or the publishing of the comics my father has been drawing since the 60s at

Sorry to the DFC fans, I hate having become another failed attempt, but it is what it is.

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