Monday, April 4, 2016

A new DFC remake underway

Despite posting that I had given up, I still get messages occasionally asking on my progress or for more information.  A couple days ago some people tracked me down on reddit asking for any material I gathered for a new attempt and I obliged.  So any newbies coming along looking for a fix for their nostalgia, here is the best place to get involved with the community focusing around the latest remake.

Friday, October 30, 2015

The GOP Reality Problem

The GOP has a reality problem.  I'm not saying this as an attack on conservative ideals and policies, but rather the echo chamber the GOP and conservative allies have created around themselves that is only getting worse.  It was revealed today that following the CNBC debate a few nights ago, the candidates and/or their representatives will be getting together, minus the RNC to discuss what they can do about the debates to make them more favorable. Now, I watched the debate, while some of the questions may have been a little weird, they were hardly "gotcha questions" (Thanks Sarah Palin for that phrase).  In Ben Carson's case, the moderator had come with figures in hand for his tax plan and when he suggested the number would be "much closer to 15%" she then pointed out those numbers that still did not come even close to adding up properly.  Donald Trump was fact checked on live television with something from his very own website to prove him wrong.  The list goes on and on.  This is hardly a new issue either.  I remember 4 years ago when fact checking sites across the board couldn't keep up with all the lies, truth stretching and blatant ignorance on the GOP side.  Yes there were some on the (D) side, but they paled in comparison.  It makes you wonder, why is it such an epidemic in the republican party?  Well, its because of the giant echo chamber that has been constantly under construction since the late 80s and early 90s.    Through the 90s conservative "entertainers" blossomed across the airwaves, many of which are still on the air today.  They exerted pressure on the GOP and the GOP acquiesced because it helped bring them into power.  Then came Fox News.  I'm not entirely sure when it became so detached from reality itself, but I do remember my little rural cable company finally made it available on basic cable around 2000 or so, which probably means thats when it started getting really popular since we always get things like that later than others.  So now there were radio hosts AND TV hosts tied together, fairly uniform, harping on the same things, pressuring the GOP, the GOP, again, acquiescing because it made them stronger (at the time).  Coinciding with the rise of Fox News (well known for being less than factual and having the worst informed viewers) was the networking capabilities of the internet.  Throw in the Presidency which routinely coordinated with the aforementioned media outlets (talking point memos to them issued each morning by the POTUS office) and you begin to see a sphere of influence internal to itself that distrusts everything outside of it.  It's no secret the conservative movement has always seen the media has being liberally biased, which, true or not in each individual case, still meant they would only trust their buddies.  I distinctly remember circular rings of information 10s of points of connection deep in which one publication cited another publication, which cited another, and so on until you were back to the original publication being cited indirectly for its own assertions.

Okay, so all of those things and many others, lets move along.  In 2012 there was a rash of distrust of polls for the Presidential election.  Every day the radio voices would talk about it (I listened regularly) and there was even a website created by....I think a guy in New Hampshire.... that took all the major polls released and "adjusted" them to correct some sort of sampling bias he perceived.  The man clearly had a knowledge of statistics, at least to an extent and I watched his poll releases daily.  While all the regular polls had Obama up in swing states and nationally, or tied, his polls were always shifted 5 or even 10% towards Romney.  The end result was (D) going into election day feeling good about the polls and (R) going into election day feeling good about the polls.  This wasn't limited to just average listeners/readers/etc either.  On election night there was a famous incident where Karl Rove was on air for Fox News going over his own numbers that were skewed in a similar way to the previously mentioned website and the look of shock on his face when his numbers didn't match reality was, needless to say, very enjoyable for a dirty pinko commie liberal like myself.  But then, it went even FURTHER up the ladder.  Mitt Romney HIMSELF went into election day thinking it would be a landslide.  He didn't even have a concession speech prepared.  The silence behind the scenes with his campaign staff was defeaning.  Nobody could believe it.  They were all devastated because their numbers didn't match reality.

The disconnect wasn't limited to individuals either.  There were constantly "scandals" being thrown about in an attempt to tarnish President Obama.  The Fast and Furious scandal, which began under the previous administration, was going to be the thing that brought Obama down.  It turns out, it was overblown.  There was also an IRS scandal.  People were subpoenaed to testify, turns out the FBI exonerated the IRS of any wrong doing.  There was also Benghazi which has had 9 separate investigations which found no wrong doing, but provided recommendations for improvements to be made.  Millions of dollars later its still going on and nothing is coming from it except bringing pain to the families of those lost.  Even the email server is not that big of a deal.  Secretary Clinton has been exonerated of any wrong doing and the FBI investigation isn't of her, its of the State Department and thousands of released emails later, nothing has come of it except that we know what TV shows she likes.  On top of all that, she was not the first Secretary of State to do this.   Colin Powell and at least one other had done it and nothing came of that.  Heck, even Bush/Cheney used a server kept in GOP HQ so that they could keep things away from subpoenas.  They ended up erasing around 20,000 emails before they could be seized as well.  My favorite, the Planned Parenthood videos which was over 12 hours of footage edited to look as terrible as possible and even inserting unrelated footage like a stillborn child while the audio was still playing.  The echo chamber was so strong that Carly Fiorina insisted REPEATEDLY for DAYS and probably still does, that an image came up in that video that has never existed.  Now theres an investigation to see if PP are the monsters they were being portrayed to be, selling organs for profit, despite all evidence pointing to the contrary.

Which brings us back around to the debates.  The candidates stand up there on stage spouting the facts as they see them, and the second someone points out holes or errors, they cry bias and want to have softball questions lobbed their way(side note: the last two GOP debates had conservative radio hosts being called liberal media because of hard questions).  One of the last remaining avenues for bringing people back down to reality  is being pushed away.  The GOP candidates will get their softballs, live in their own little world, and then get to the general election and get torn asunder or pull another Romney and live in a virtual reality until election night.  The average conservative voter will also continue to observe this disconnect and manifest even more dislike of the GOP establishment, which will further tear the party apart, like we are seeing now.  Reality has left the GOP. The conservative movement created an insulated world around itself and what gave it strength in the past is now tearing apart from the roots up.

 /rambling rant

Sunday, July 12, 2015

DFC Future, where I've been, where I'm going.

So I've been periodically getting messages from people asking about the progress of DFC and I feel pretty bad that the project crapped out.  What basically happened was the hard drive I had all the work on crapped out on me and by the time I could recover it things had shifted around in my life and i lost momentum with the project.  I got sucked into Guild Wars 2 with my good old Magestorm guild ( where we rose to become one of the best world vs world forces on NA servers.  Very few guilds that were in existence at launch are still alive and healthy and I'm proud to say that Strike Force one of them.  The reason I get into this is because I spent a good chunk of that time, once the previous GM had to retire for IRL stuff acting as the AGM supporting our new GM.  For anyone not familiar with me, I've always been fine acting in the leadership level of a council member or officer but have avoided direct leadership at all costs, mostly because I don't like being in the spotlight.  SO, getting put in that spot left me with more and more responsibility towards the guild I've been a part of for 15 or so years and since [SF] was one of two NA time zone guilds on our server facing two other servers who could field sometimes up to 8 if not more guilds at once during NA time, needless to say I really had no time to spare to ever starting the project back up again, as much as I wanted to.  I did finally step down about 6 months ago or so.  I got to enjoy Guild Wars 2 for being Guild Wars 2 again and eventually managed to get myself down to really only playing half an hour a day for dailies and to keep me sharp.

Which leads me to my next thing.  I've spent much of my life, probably more than one person should, consuming fiction, be it star wars novels, anime, comics, manga, D&D and various other typically nerdy stories.  The result of this was that I began to get the itch to create again (similiar to the DFC itch).  Over a period of 2-3 months I informally arranged a world and story in my head that I wanted to tell.  I tried to flesh it out in simple written form but it just wasn't working how I liked.  Being an avid reader of webcomics each night I knew that the webcomic format was a much better fit for the story, but this left me with a few problems.  First, what I thought would be the biggest issue, my color blindness, has turned out to not really be too much of a problem thanks to RGB values, knowing what colors are called even if I cant see them property and spreadsheets.  Second, I am 31 and have not spent more than 5 minutes drawing TOTAL in the last 15 - 20 years but with diligence this can be remedied.  However, third, my personal health issues leave me with mild hand tremors.  You can imagine how that could seriously screw up drawing.  I've made due this far by doing the entire process in Manga Studio with heavy usage of the line/curve tools as well as taking a sort of "sculpting" approach instead of traditional methods of drawing.  I do have a reason for pointing all this out and that is that as the comic approaches its 3rd month of actual steady publications, it helps illustrate my dedication to telling the story.  On a larger perspective, this webcomic takes up most of my free time if I want any sort of regular/quick release schedule.  That means the time for picking up the DFC revival project is just not there.

But if anyone is interested you can follow my learning process on Kikonrar 

or the publishing of the comics my father has been drawing since the 60s at

Sorry to the DFC fans, I hate having become another failed attempt, but it is what it is.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Persona 4: The Animation

Persona 4: The Animation

Yokoso, waga Velvet Room.

Oh Holy Crap I loved this series SO much. I'd never played the games, but I have a good friend who is obsessed with them so she turned me onto this. After my bad experience with .hack//roots and the feeling of wanting to play the game, but not having the means to play the game that I usually get when I watch an anime made about a video game, I just try to stay away from them, but this is the only adaptation of a game I've ever watched that could stand alone perfectly as the anime(.hack//sign isn't far off though). It's also got a unique feel to it that mixes the two types of anime I gravitate towards, typical action-shounen stuff and comedic slice of life stuff. When I say this I don't just mean action with funny moments, but theres a few episodes that are strictly character development and interaction in their day to day lives. It also had me on the edge of my seat a few times with a mix of detective/suspense/horror moments, and it is really rare for me to enjoy that kind of thing.

So to sum it up. Persona 4: The Animation is a Shounen Slice of Life Detective Suspense story that follows a group of friends as they try to solve a series of murders in their town intertwined with this alternate-reality world they discover and in which they have "Persona" monsters that fight for them.

I really got a kick out of the main character too, which is REALLY rare. At first he just seems like a blank slate character that can take on the attributes of the watcher but in the more slice of life moments you see a really awesome mischievous sense of humor.

10/10 all the way.


For those curious about DFC, winter breaks started, and I've started again ;)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Winter Break

Pretty good news all around everyone.  I've been settled for awhile now, but my schedule was kind of wonky until after the first weekend of the month.  I'm a staff member at an Anime Convention here in Omaha (Anime Nebraskon), most of which is tech team stuff, making sure our tech setups are going to the right panels and everything.  It's pretty hectic considering we ran about 200 panels this year for around 3000 attendees.  On top of that I also run the Karaoke event Friday and Saturday nights and that keeps me REALLY busy the two weeks or so preceding the con, updating the encyclopedia of songs, remaking the list of songs available since the file was lost.  I do kind of want to brag about one thing though.  Our big name guest this year was Steve Blum (Spike from Cowboy Bebop, amongst other names), and I was able to get a couple of his prints signed by him and my collector's edition S-cry-ed and a picture too.

I also came away with a bit of a cold, all this crammed into school work as well, so I've been busy.  The point?  Well, aside from showing off the swag from Steve Blum, with the con out of the way theres a finish line just at the edge of the horizon, that is the end of the semester.  I have no commitments planned, no vacations, no events, nothing, between early December and early-mid January.  That means I'm wiping off the dust and whipping out the C++ to see how much I can shoot out in that time.  I'm not sure how things will go once the semester starts again, but things look rosey.

Friday, September 21, 2012


As evidenced by the lack of posts, things have happened.  Awhile back my roommate said she was going to buy a house, which meant breaking our lease and it was all going to happen in the middle of the semester.  That meant we had to get everything revved up to move, clean and repair the house we rented, do the move itself, unpack, all with minimal help because my parents are elderly and I hate tasking friends with such tasks.  The move took place last friday.  Since I'm in my last year of school I decided to just take over a room at my parents house instead of adding to everything with having to search for a new place to live.  Well, a myriad of problems has cropped up since then.  The internet is a bit sketchy at best, cutting out depending what I'm doing and probably the biggest thing to happen, my hard drive crashed sometime between Tuesday when I went to bed and Wednesday when I woke up.  More specifically, the hard drive for the computer I do my dev work on.  I have the PC up and running again with a new hard drive, but I haven't been able to recover whats on the crashed one.  Typically, I have a pretty good backup system with my file server, but in preparing to move I had left it at my parents house the last time I had visited, which was almost a month earlier.  The good news?  I didn't really lose much because I didn't have the time to get anything done in that month anyway because of everything else.  I still haven't got everything unpacked, and only briefly had my server up when restoring my tower since I don't really have a good place for it at the moment.  I'm going to have to find my copy of visual studio again too.

Sooo, Hurray!  Shit happens all at once.  Back to the grindstone I go.