Saturday, December 22, 2012

Persona 4: The Animation

Persona 4: The Animation

Yokoso, waga Velvet Room.

Oh Holy Crap I loved this series SO much. I'd never played the games, but I have a good friend who is obsessed with them so she turned me onto this. After my bad experience with .hack//roots and the feeling of wanting to play the game, but not having the means to play the game that I usually get when I watch an anime made about a video game, I just try to stay away from them, but this is the only adaptation of a game I've ever watched that could stand alone perfectly as the anime(.hack//sign isn't far off though). It's also got a unique feel to it that mixes the two types of anime I gravitate towards, typical action-shounen stuff and comedic slice of life stuff. When I say this I don't just mean action with funny moments, but theres a few episodes that are strictly character development and interaction in their day to day lives. It also had me on the edge of my seat a few times with a mix of detective/suspense/horror moments, and it is really rare for me to enjoy that kind of thing.

So to sum it up. Persona 4: The Animation is a Shounen Slice of Life Detective Suspense story that follows a group of friends as they try to solve a series of murders in their town intertwined with this alternate-reality world they discover and in which they have "Persona" monsters that fight for them.

I really got a kick out of the main character too, which is REALLY rare. At first he just seems like a blank slate character that can take on the attributes of the watcher but in the more slice of life moments you see a really awesome mischievous sense of humor.

10/10 all the way.


For those curious about DFC, winter breaks started, and I've started again ;)