Monday, April 30, 2012


Tonight in Magestorm SBR paid tribute to a fallen member of their roster, Nepa in much the same way we paid tribute to my good friend Bugatow.  A double experience event, 7 hours long.  As I understand it Nepa had a heart condition and a few years ago finally succumbed to it, doing what he loves, sitting at a computer having fun.   This time around his nephew and son both play and his nephew has leveled a 30 arc with the same name, Nepa_SBR.   Magestorm was a great love of Nepa, he had Nepa tattooed on one arm and SBR on the other.  It was an honor to marathon-magestorm it all night in his name as it was an honor to play in Bugatow's name.

My thoughts with Nepa's nephew and son.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

More DFC and DFC and DFC

I thought it would be prudent to post something that could serve as an update for those who find this blog and are interested in my progress.   The easiest way to contact me is and I'll get that immediately, if I'm not at my computer, I'll get it on my phone.   I can't give a definite time table as to when it would be done.  Most of the work is creative work, the actual client/server isn't terribly complicated.  Most importantly, I want to address the issue of donations.  Originally, I wasn't even going to release this to the public so it wasn't an issue.  Now that I am actually designing something for others to use, at some point I will end up taking donations, and probably implement some sort of currency in game in which is received when donations are made.  This would be used for certain benefits like retraining, renames, perhaps race changes and other things.  Finally, I will not even be entertaining the idea of accepting anything until people are able to play it and it is out of "beta."  It is extremely nice of people to offer, I know they all loved the game like I did, but I do not feel right taking money for services/products not rendered, it would be wrong.

Addendum:  Magestorm levels gained: 202  Magestorm levels remaining for 9 30s: 68

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Birth Citizenship and The Presidency

The birther issue just keeps popping up these days with crazy new stunts and conclusions based in insanity.  The latest one is that the Obama administration admits it faked his birth certificate.   For that specifically I am just going to leave it as it is as the whole thing has be debunked countless times.  The larger issue I want to tackle is the requirement that the candidate must have been born in the US or in some rather feeble interpretations, born in the US to two US citizens.  It strikes me as odd that in the land of the free where everyone supposedly plays on a level playing ground (other issue entirely) that the leader of said free country is restricted by something out of their control and has no real bearing on their ability to be President.  The person could have been destined to become the best President the country has ever seen and ever will see, lived here for 50 years, been a citizen for 49, but was born elsewhere and brought by his parents as they immigrated to the USA.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said that he wished people to be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.  While this isn't a race issue, the sentiment remains.  Why are people even raising the issue in the first place?  Yes, for some it is because they refuse to accept reality that they are not members of the majority voice of the country, but there is definitely a "not one of us" for many others heavily involved in this issue.

It is obvious why this was originally in the Constitution.  There was a genuine fear that foreign powers might try to usurp the sovereignty of our budding nation, but that time is long past.  Even with the Cold War, technology and communication was so much better, as well as looking into basic backgrounds, that the amount of energy that would be needed to have two adults move to a new country, have a child, raise that child so perfectly that one day he/she will even have a chance at public office let alone the Presidency without their parents political leanings ever being discovered.  Then you take into account all the checks and balances involved.  Yeah, this is a really relevant provision of the constitution isn't it.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

30 Day Anime Challenge

There is a meme that goes around facebook every so often, with a different face, but it is still the same meme.  It involves posting a picture each day over 30 days of what the given list says to post, all around one theme.  A friend of mine made up her own using anime, so being the good friend that I am, I am joining in the fun, even though I don't normally do so.

Day 1 - The very first anime you watched.

This is from "Fushigi na Koala Blinky" or as most children of the late 80s/early 90s remember it, Noozles.  It aired on Nickelodeon from 1988 to 1993 while I was 4-9.  At the time, of course, I didn't know it was anime, but going through the list years ago, I stumbled upon it and it blew my mind how early I was actually into things from Japan without even realizing it.  So here it is, as best I can estimate, the first anime I ever saw.

The first anime that I ever watched that I KNEW was anime was either Big O or Gundam Wing, whichever aired first on Cartoon Network, I cannot remember.