Saturday, December 31, 2011

Fox News is a Wonderful Life

Despite being Atheist, Jimmy Stewart's "It's a Wonderful Life" is something I never miss each Christmas Eve.  It's a heartwarming tale about the good in man, which is actually what humanism is all about.  Something occurred to me about halfway through though, a thought spawned in my head when recalling the recent Fox News attack on "The Muppet Movie" and how it bashes capitalism and the evil oil tycoon villain who is trying to destroy the Muppet Studios.  That started me thinking, if "It's a Wonderful Life" was released in today's world, would it get the same treatment?  Mr. Potter clearly fits the same role as the evil oil tycoon, but by Fox News' logic, the movie is bashing capitalism by the actions Mr. Potter undertakes.   Mr. Potter is just trying to be a good business man, expanding his holdings, as the free market dictates.  When a warrant is put out to arrest George Bailey for the missing money the town comes to his rescue, right in front of the police donating money to save him from prosecution.  I'm not familiar with banking regulations back then, but today, that would not save him from prosecution.

Anyway, its just a thought I had about the misplaced priorities many people have these days.

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